Wednesday, February 23, 2011

10 Things we LOVE about Scarlet Uda!

So... Yesterday just ran away from me and I TOTALLY forgot to post this. Sorry we are late Scar, but we absolutely still love you!

From Naomi:

1. You treat me with so much respect and love. I never feel like you are looking down on me or that you feel awkward around me. When we are lucky enough to spend time together, it is just comfortable.

2. You are an incredibly talented dancer. It has amazed me how you have jumped into Tahitian dancing full-heartedly and how well you have picked it up. If we ever get the chance to dance together, people won't be able to figure out which one of us is really Polynesian. (Let's not tell them that neither of us are.)

3. You are great at keeping in touch and reaching out. Living so far away from everybody makes me lonely sometimes, but you always go out of your way to drop me an email or send me a text, and it makes me feel connected to the family. Thank you!

4. You get me. When our husbands are acting like total lunatics together, we can exchange one quick glance and know exactly what the other person is thinking. It is fun to see those similarities in couples rather than just the individual and it makes it more enjoyable to hang out as well!

5. You make my brother HAPPY! Because Jake is one of my best friends, I find great joy in seeing him that way and I am very grateful that he married such a sweet, loving, loyal, and devoted wife. Thanks for being a part of our family, putting up with our craziness, and helping to make us complete. We love you Scar!

From Kevin:

6. Scarlet makes me laugh. There is something about her sense of humor that makes me chuckle even when she's not trying to make me. She has a way of looking at life that makes it seem like things are never really that bad if you just roll your eyes at it and have a little laugh.

7. She is an excellent Sugar Mama for Jake and I totally respect that. Jake is one lucky guy to have someone who is willing to work her butt of for him every day and bring home the bacon while he is still in school!

8. Scarlet is always willing to try new things and her bravery and self motivation have really impressed me.

9. I've also always been impressed with the amount of schooling Scarlet was able to get through and at how hard she works to accomplish her goals in life.

10. Last but not least, Scarlet has a calming influence on Jake that somehow helps him to be slightly less insane then he usually is, and anyone who can do that has my vote!


JS said...

thanks guy i am def. feeling the love!!

Tau said...

Scarlet is definitely one of those try new stuff people...Good quality. Welcome to the circle of love.