I set a fairly lofty goal for myself… and didn’t even come
close to reaching it. 2 ½ years ago, when I ran the Chicago Marathon, I was 206
seconds away from qualifying for the Boston Marathon, so this time my goal was
to beat that and qualify. That meant I
had to finish this race in 3:05:00. My
actual Finish time turned out to be 4:07:40. Ouch. You know the quote “If you
shoot for the tree tops and fail you land in the mud, but if you shoot for the
stars and still fail you land in the treetops”? Well let’s just say I
definitely shot for the stars, and somehow still came away covered in mud. But
it was a great experience nonetheless. I learned a lot, got to see some friends
and family, and got to visit our nation’s capital (in the spring-time no
This whole circus began back in October of 2011, sometime
around my birthday actually, when my Sister-in-law Becca called me up and told
me she and her husband Taber were thinking of running the DC Marathon and
wanted me to do it with them. “There’s still some time… so just think about it,
okay!?” she said so innocently. Well,
I’ve come to learn, being married to an Uda girl myself… they can be pretty
persuasive at times. When they say “Just
think about it” you can generally translate that to mean “Just sign on the
dotted line, okay?!”
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Eric and Kayla getting married in Florida... I couldn't make it, but I hounded Family members who were there for text message updates during the entire day. |
One of the other major factors that helped me along my
decision was the chance to see my cousin Eric and his new wife, Kayla. Eric’s been one of my best friends for a long
time now, and when they got married not too long ago in Florida, I couldn’t go
to the wedding, something that just about killed me. So when Becca brought up this race idea, I knew this was the best opportunity I'd get to see them for a
long time. Eric's in his final year of being a graduate student at Georgetown, and lives just south of the Pentagon. So, I did end up signing ye ol’ dotted line in the end (of course) and
then started getting ready.
I’ll separate my experience into 3 categories: Training and
Preparation, Running the Race, and the Aftermath/Analysis.
“A journey of 1080 miles begins with a single step…” An ancient Kevin Hanks Proverb
If I were to pick one major victory for me in this marathon
it would definitely be my training. I
trained better, harder, more consistently, more focused, and simply MORE for
this marathon than I ever have for any single physical event in my life. I
actually feel very proud of my efforts… even if they did NOT lead to the race-day
performance I had hoped for. No worries
though, there are innumerable benefits that come from a regimented training
program and I’m glad I did it.
My “official” training schedule started on November 14,
2011. Leading up to that point though, I
managed to stay fairly active, biking to and from work nearly every day, running
15-20 miles a week, doing the Waqas workout once a week (more on that later)
etc. I did a fair amount of research on
training schedules and the best things to do (and not do). I wrote out my entire 18 week schedule, which was one of
the actions that contributed to my training success. I did all of the major “brain” work early on:
thinking what to do, how far to run, what workouts to do on what days etc. thus
freeing my brain from having to make those decisions later on. This work paid huge dividends. If I wake up in the morning, look at my
schedule and it says that I’ve decided to run 6 miles that day, then run 6
miles I will. Contrast that to having no plan, waking up
and thinking “boy, what should I do today?!”. When I do THAT I’m much more
likely to wimp out and blame my schedule, the weather, my current state of
health etc. By having everything planned
out in advance it took the guesswork (and the excuses) away and I did very
well. In fact, there were only 2 days
out of 18 weeks that I simply skipped on my workout. Even that was calculated though: My left
knee was hurting and needed some rest… and Naomi and I moved that weekend. Sometimes pushing through pain will only
injure you worse.
I did take some time about halfway through the 18 weeks of training to review my training goals and take stock of how I was doing. The biggest change I made to my schedule were my long runs. After talking it over at great length with both Becca and Taber, I decided to shorten my longer weekend runs and go no longer than 22 miles. I think this was a wise decision and I'm glad I went back and reviewed my training and my goals. You can see the change in my schedule below.
I did take some time about halfway through the 18 weeks of training to review my training goals and take stock of how I was doing. The biggest change I made to my schedule were my long runs. After talking it over at great length with both Becca and Taber, I decided to shorten my longer weekend runs and go no longer than 22 miles. I think this was a wise decision and I'm glad I went back and reviewed my training and my goals. You can see the change in my schedule below.
A normal training week for me looked something like this:
- Monday - Medium Distance run, slower pace (5-8 miles)
- Tuesday - Interval Workouts (5 miles. A common workout I did was to warmup for ½ mile, then sprint for 1 mile, then rest/jog for ½ mile, then sprint for 1 mile, then rest/jog for a mile etc.)
- Wednesday - Medium Distance run, slower pace (7-10 miles)
- Thursday - Strength Training (This was either the “Waqas workout” dubbed “W” on my training sheet, or the “Iron Strength Workout” dubbed “IS”. See below for explanations)
- Friday - Tempo run, fast pace (3.5 miles)
- Saturday - Long run, slow pace (10-22 miles)
- Sunday - Rest
On top of the running that I did, I still biked to-and-from work nearly every day. This was more to save fuel and allow Naomi some transportation than it was for the workout. I will admit there were several times in January when the temperature dipped into single digits that I wished the fuel prices would follow suit. These bike rides were 7.5 miles each way, until we moved at the end of January when my commute shortened to 3.9 miles each way. I heard a lot of people claim that this Chicago Winter was a very mild one. For me, that just meant there was less snow which allowed me to bike more. Too much snow, and there’s nowhere on the streets to ride and it becomes too dangerous for my taste. Anyone commenting that the temperatures were also very mild got an invitation from me to go outside for a bike ride and see if they wanted to amend their statement.
The Waqas Workout: I named it this in honor of my friend, Waqas, who taught it to me. He’s a guy that works out at the gym across the street from my office around the same time as me. He’s a soccer & volleyball player from Abu Dhabi that came over to the US on a soccer scholarship many years back. He’s got a fun routine that he, I, and several other friends get together and do once a week. It focuses on speed, quickness, and agility. It consists of a lot of sprints, and a lot of lateral movements, quick turning, fast side-to-side movements, working “the ladder”, more sprints, a lot of vertical jumping, plyometrics, etc. It generally takes us just over an hour to complete and we’re always wasted by the end. One guy brought a heart rate monitor once and said we burn over 1200 Calories in an hour. The very first time I did it, I couldn’t walk up stairs for 3 days! Our workouts have become well-known at the gym during the last 2 years we’ve done it together, and while anyone is welcome to come with us (we invite anyone that watches us for more than 5 seconds) we generally have 4 of us that come very regularly, and we’ve become pretty good friends.
The Iron Strength Workout: On days when no one was available to do the Waqas workout with me (it’s not something that’s done easily solo) I did this workout I found on the runner’s world website, by running guru Dr. Metzl. It focuses on muscles that runners need, and generally takes about 45 minutes to complete. It involves a lot of lunges, squats, pushups, situps, shoulders, core etc. It’s essentially a tough circuit training exercise. Doing 6 sets of 10 burpees at the end always killed me.
- I did a total of 93 training runs in those 18 weeks for a total of 644.0 miles
- I biked a total of 82 times for a total of 435.6 miles
- Combine those, and in 18 weeks, I pedaled and ran 1080 miles.
- My most frequent route was around the Sara Lee Corporate Headquarters Building, in Downers Grove, IL very near my own office. It has a 1.35 mile loop around it that I would run to, then around, many times during my lunch breaks. In 18 weeks, I ran around that building a total of 45 times.
- I listened to 8 audiobooks during my Saturday long runs, not including the Book of Mormon, which I always listened to during the first 30 minutes or so of my long runs, and got through twice. My favorites included “Killing Lincoln” by Bill O’Reilly, “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline, and the “Hunger Games” trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Many thanks go to Brian for always having a good recommendation. His suggestions haven’t let me down yet!
- My longest run was on the 25th of November, when I did 22 miles on the Salt Creek trail, a nice paved trail that goes all the way to Brookfield zoo.
- My fastest paced run was on the 9th of March, when I ran to and around the Sara Lee Building (a 3.6 mile route) in 22:40 (a 6:18min/mile pace).
- My coldest run was on the 11th of February, a Saturday. I started at 5:20 AM and ran 19.8 miles. It was a very windy morning and a balmy 9⁰ F. Oddly enough, I got slightly dehydrated in this run as the water bottles I carried with me froze after 30 minutes or so and I couldn’t get a drink!
Our "Poor Man's Turkey Trot" Thanksgiving day, 2011. We had a blast! |
A 19 Mile long run I did on Jan 21st. It was 14 degrees F outside, I didn’t get to start until about 9:00 PM that night, and I listened to the audiobook “Killing Lincoln” during the run. For some reason, the combination of bitter cold, strong winds, very late night, knee-deep snow, and listening to Bill O'Reilly tell me about the Booth conspiracy and Lincoln assassination is forever imprinted in my memory. Oh, and let’s just say I ate a bit too much fiber that day, so the last 3 miles were a bit, how shall we say, uncomfortable. I’ll never forget Naomi’s face on the couch as I burst into the house at 11:30 PM, and barely managed a “hi!” before tearing/waddling across the living room to the bathroom and making it a space uninhabitable without a hazmat suit. Like I said… forever imprinted in my memory. Luckily I have no picture to accompany this run.
2) Running the Race
Naomi and I made the drive from Chicago to Washington DC on Thursday, March 15th with two toddlers in the car. That in and of itself should be a victory! We pulled into my cousin Jennie’s apartment around 7:00 PM and had a fun night of catching up and letting the girls run around to get their wiggles out. I went on a short and slow 2 mile run that night just to loosen up my legs after being in a car for 13 hours. Eric and Kayla even drove up to Jennie’s to see us late that night, so I finally got to meet her. She’s a total stud, and it didn’t take me long to like her. Eric and I have done some crazy things in our days… but at least we married well.
The conversation that happened between my mind and body, the morning of the race:
Mind: Dude, get up! We’re gonna run a marathon today!
Body: hmmmm, nah, I don’t think so.
Mind: Well start thinking so! Get out of bed!
Body: Yeah, I’m just not feeling it today.
Mind: Grrrrr, get up! You are going to run that race! It’s marathon day!
Body: It feels more like a sit at home and watch movies and eat M&Ms day to me.
Mind: We’ve trained for this! You’ve run over 600 miles getting ready for today.
Body: Don’t fight it! Give in… call an audible and take a chill pill.
Mind: No dang it! You are going to get up and line up at that start line.
Body: Is that so?!
Mind: Yes! I’m in charge here, and I say we’re going to qualify for Boston today!
Body: That’s nice. You go ahead and line us up at the starting line. We’ll see who’s boss at mile 20.
Eric and I goofing off in the morning before the race started. |
Miles 1-6 The beginnings.
“Where’s the blonde hair and green shirt?”
The "Elites" at the front of the pack take off first, followed by corrals of progressively slower runners. I was in corral #2 because of my projected (goal) finish time. |
Miles 6-14 Denial
“If you’re running a marathon and you feel pretty good… don’t worry, you’ll get over it.”
I think it was right at mile 7 going up and down the hills of Dupont Circle when I felt my first twinge of serious pain and thought that I just may not make my goal time. There was a serious battle going on in my head though, mostly my brain denying that I felt pain and telling me I could keep going. And I did keep going, maintaining a pretty good pace, despite the growing pain. This pain, at first, was a twinge in my right quadricep muscle, that ended up spreading to both legs. The only way I can describe the pain is that it felt like getting stabbed with a knife every time I came down on, and put weight on, that leg, flexing the quadriceps. Again, in retrospect I should have known I was in serious trouble, but I was in denial about the pain. In the few moments when I admitted to myself that I felt pain, I mostly just got mad. I remember thinking: “What the?! I’m only at mile 8 and my muscles are cramping?! Are you kidding me?! I’ve done 20+ mile training runs without this type of pain and without any problems. I was consistently running 45+ miles per week! I trained for this! And now I’ve got a new kind of pain that’s slowing me down?! Give me a break.” I was ticked. But the denial would set in, and I just kept going. I crossed the ½ point around 1:35:00… a very decent time, but still too slow to reach my goal. If at mile 7 I thought I may not hit my goal time… at the ½ point I knew I wasn’t going to hit my goal time. I was in pain, and it was getting worse.
Miles 14-25 My own “via dolorosa”
“To describe the agony of a marathon to someone who’s never run it is like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind.” – Jerome Drayton
When I had to stop, I would walk while rubbing down and massaging my quads, trying to coax some life back into them. I would pick a point up ahead, like a tree or a fire hydrant, and say “okay, starting there I’m going to try again.” Then I would start running again. The shooting pain was immediate though, and it wasn’t long before the muscles rebelled to a point that they seized up, refusing to move. I would stop and walk, stretching a bit and massaging some life back into the legs, then I would pick a point and try again. This went on for the next 8 miles. It was a long 8 miles.
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Volunteers who manned the water stations are quite literally saving angels! They do an incredible amount of work in both set-up and clean-up. Their efforts did not go unappreciated by me this day! |
Another noteworthy incident happened around mile 23 while I was running/walking through a residential neighborhood in Anacostia. I was in a particularly foul mood because of my pain and perceived failure when this really old guy sitting on his stoop yelled at me. He was missing his front teeth, had a beer in his hand, and I remember he looked filthy. He yelled something along the lines of “You didn’t join this race to walk did you, wimp?! Hehehe”. His laughing sounded more like a cackle, and brought to mind the Wicked Witch of the West. I honestly don’t actually remember what I yelled back at him, but I’m certain that it was not: “Yes Sir, thank you. Have a nice day.” In retrospect, knowing what I do about Anacostia (it’s a rough neighborhood), it’s probably not wise for a skinny little white boy like myself fatigued beyond fatigued to go shooting his mouth off to the residents. Oh well, such was my state of mind.
Miles 25-26.18 On the wings of eagles
“The fastest way to get to the finish line is to run there.” -unknown
The final 1.2 miles I did something I seriously didn’t think was possible: I ran the entire way in. It was extremely painful and taxing (at mile 26.15 I found out exactly how taxing), but I did it. “How” you might ask, “did you get your legs to work for that last mile?” Two words: Becca and Taber.
Right at mile 25, under a bridge just before crossing back over the Anacostia river and to RFK stadium where the finish line was located, Becca and Taber caught up to me. I knew that Becca’s goal was to finish in under 4 hours. I looked at my watch, and knowing they started about 10 minutes after I did… I knew they were going to make it. I can’t describe what seeing them did for me. After 9 miles of screaming pain, seizing muscles, and walking more than running, it was amazing to see two people I knew cruising along at a constant pace, doing obviously much better than I was. It had an amazing effect on me and I hung on to Becca’s coat-tails and let her pull me in.
The first thing that Becca said to me with a super-excited face was: “How did it go?!”. Four words that were very simple, yet one of the best compliments I’ve ever received. It meant a lot to me at that time, knowing how I must have looked and with my frustrated mental state, it was amazing to me that Becca’s first thought upon seeing me again was not that I had failed, but that I had succeeded. She thought I had finished long ago and come back to cheer them on! I felt very grateful at that moment that this was her first thought.
I did, of course, have to explain to her that not only had I not finished yet (insert tuba: “bwaa, bwaaaaah”) but that it would take a miracle to get me the rest of the way! She simply said “Well come on then! Let’s finish this!” and off we went. She was cruising along at a sub 9 min/mile pace, which at the time felt like sprinting to me. We shouted encouragement to each other as we pushed through that last mile. I was incredibly happy for, and proud of her. I was able to run Grandma’s Marathon with her 2 ½ years ago in Duluth, Minnesota (her first marathon) and so I had a front row seat to see how much she had improved. At the time, she made it look effortless and easy compared to how I felt. It was amazing, and both she and Taber are studs!
None of that, however, took away the pain in my legs and the volume at which they were screaming at me. As we came up to the stadium we had to go uphill as we rounded it. This is also where I finally got to see Naomi. I knew where she was long before I ever saw her: I’ve never heard anyone yell so loud! She started trotting along next to me yelling at me to keep going, that I was almost there, and to finish strong! At that point I blocked everything out and just listened to her voice yelling strength into my legs as I pushed up that final hill. It wasn’t long though before we came to the final chute and she was forced to get off the road. I entered the chute and could see the finish line up ahead after a final right turn. I felt like I was sprinting and was amazed that my legs were allowing me to do this. They had the last laugh though. Right at that final right turn, literally 100 feet from the finish line: they completely gave out.
Miles 26.18-26.2 Such a cruel joke.
I think it was the final mile running with Becca, combined with the sprinting that Naomi had me do that finally convinced my legs that they were done. My right leg shot out at a weird angle and completely stiffened while my left leg shortly followed suit. I stopped dead in my tracks. Here I am, 100 feet from the finish line, scores of people screaming and shouting and I couldn’t have moved if someone were to hold a gun to my head. This was the worst that my legs had seized up the entire race. Both my quadriceps and my hamstrings had seized and cramped at the same time, making both my legs straight as boards. My shins and calves had followed as well, so that I could not so much as move my feet or bend my ankles.
That’s the funny thing about cheering crowds though… as annoying as they can be, the sound can sure motivate you. After what seemed like an eternity of literally pounding my fists into my quads trying to get them to loosen, I slowly swung one arm behind me, then the other and started moving. As soon as I did the crowd got even louder than before (I didn’t think they could get louder), and I finally got myself to the finish line.
3.) Aftermath/Analysis
“The trouble with being a good sport is that you have to lose to prove it” –Croft Pentz
We said our goodbyes to Becca and Taber (Who DID beat their goal of
breaking 4 hours… and were definitely the real winners of the day!) and
Kayla drove Eric and I back to their apartment. Naomi and Jennie took
the kidlets home to Jennie’s so they could nap. Once back at Eric’s I
managed to take a cold shower, eat some real food (what?! Gummie bears
don’t count?) then somehow all three of us fell asleep watching “Burn
Notice”. Later that Night, Jennie treated us all to some Café Rio, and
the next morning, Naomi and I packed up the car and started the 13 hour
drive back home! That was a difficult drive.
Obviously, having failed as miserably as I did when compared with my goal, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I did wrong, and what I can do better next time. I was able to talk through a lot of my mistakes with Naomi, and get some good advice from Becca and Taber, and my running-guru sister-in-law, Natalie. This is what I’ve come up with:
Drink More Water:
I think dehydration was the single biggest problem that I had going into the race. It wasn’t just during the race… it was the days and even week leading up to the race. I was dehydrated from the get-go, and really didn’t stand a chance when I lined up at the start. Two days before the race I spent the entire day in a car, and when I travel I tend not to drink as much water. Who wants to stop every 30 minutes to pee during a 900 mile road trip?! The day before the race, we spent a big chunk of time walking around DC seeing the sites. It was a chilly day, so I didn’t even think about carrying water around with me. But all that walking and being out-and-about drained me and dehydrated me even more. Then on the morning of the race, I was so excited and nervous I think I only drank one, maybe two small cups of water. It simply wasn’t on my mind as much as it should have been. During the race I made sure to drink something at every water stop, but by that point it was too little too late.
Also, though this is out of my control, I believe the weather had a lot to do with my dehydration and problems. I’ve trained pretty thoroughly, but it was all during a Chicago winter. My runs were generally done with a skull cap, full jacket and gloves on. I’m very, very good at running in the cold. In fact, I prefer it. My body simply wasn’t ready for a sunny 78 deg day with 80% humidity.
In the future, I’ll be sure to be extra aware for the entire week before the race and drink drink drink! If I have to drive a significant distance again, I’ll bite the bullet and pull over every 30 minutes if I have to. I’ll drink a full glass of water with every meal, etc.
Eat more carbohydrates:
I did very well with my diet during training, but again I think the 3-4 days leading up to the race I shot myself in the foot. Eating well is hard enough while stuck in a car for 13 hours. Car-food is not good race-food. Eric and I did eat some potatoes the day before the race, but again, I think it was too little, too late. My standard breakfast is a protein shake: some greek yogurt, frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, some chia seeds, protein powder, powdered milk, and a spoonful of peanut butter. I’ve been eating this as my breakfast staple for months and months now. Seriously, one of my life-long dreams is to own my own berry farm so I don’t have to add a point to Dole’s stock price every time I need to fill up on frozen fruit. Anyway, I figured since this is what I’ve been eating practically every day, on race day, why change it?! In retrospect this was not a good idea; too much protein and fiber and not enough carbohydrates. I’ve already amended my breakfasts to include some oatmeal, and on my next race, oatmeal will be my pre-race food. Also, in the future, I’ll focus more during the week on getting some good healthy carbohydrates in: potatoes, rice, spaghetti and oatmeal.
Make better goals:
For my next race I’m going to have two goals: one main goal, and a backup goal. My main goal will be to qualify for Boston (3:05:00) and my backup goal will be to finish the race. During this race, once I realized I wasn’t going to hit my goal time, I started bumping my goal back 5 minutes: “well, maybe I can finish it in 3:10” then later “maybe in 3:15” then still later “maybe by 3:20”etc. This went on, ticking 5 minutes off again and again, then watching each goal slip away as I got slower and slower. I can’t quite describe how demoralizing that was, as it felt like I was failing over and over again. This was a poor strategy, and it killed me mentally. Next time I’m going to set my main goal to finish by a certain time, and if for some reason I can’t quite get that goal, I’ll forget about the clock completely and just try to finish and enjoy myself.
Any suggestions?
This is an open invitation to anyone reading this to offer a suggestion on what I could do differently to perform better next time. When it comes to athletics and sports, I know that one of my weaknesses is being “book smart” about what I’m doing. I’ve been active and athletic my whole life, so a lot of times when I tackle a challenge like this I simply tackle it and rely on my stubbornness and tenacity to carry me through. This doesn’t always work (obviously). I really admire people like Becca, Taber, and Natalie who have really studied out their race-day strategies well. They’ve read scores of books (way more than me at least) and blogs about how to train, set goals, hydrate, and perform. This is the kind of knowledge that I’m lacking. If anyone can suggest something I haven’t thought of, I’d greatly appreciate it. I promise there is a certain subject that you are way more familiar with than I am, and I could benefit from your insights.
Feels good to know that no matter how cruddy I think I did, and how far off my goal I was ... Brooklyn thought I was the winner of the whole race and never ceased telling me so! What a sweet girl. |
He’s right! I was ticked, and yes… I’ve already signed up for my next marathon. Bring it!
Awesome post, Kevin. I'm all teary eyed. You are such an inspiration to me, but I think the biggest tear jerker for me reading all of your guys' marathon posts has been the support of loved ones. I love the picture of Brooklyn hugging you. I love how you zoned everything out, but Naomi's voice. I love that Taber wouldn't let Becca quit and Becca wouldn't let you quit. It's all so wonderful and should go in a movie! I can't believe the pain you went through, but just the fact that you have run 1 marathon is amazing to me and you've run a gazillion! Good luck on your next one. You are going to do great!
Excellent post. Didn't know a lot of the stories in there - especially crazy about the guy you saved from dehydration. Lots of marathoners die that way. You might have saved a life.
What an emotional read! I feel like I just need to sit here and recover for a minute! : ) Seriously though, having been there myself, I can relate on a very personal level to the things you went through that day. We were in the same boat having trained in cold weather all winter and it was a shock to the system to have to run in heat and humidity. The last 5 miles looked like a death march with runners dropping like flies all around us. That was an amazing story about the guy you helped. He's so lucky you were there and I'm also very impressed that the girl came back to help too. That takes selfless sacrifice but I'm glad you both did it. I'm also glad that you realized you needed to back off and walk or Naomi would be picking you up in an ambulance! As runners we specialize in pushing ourselves beyond our limits, but sometimes we don't know when to stop. I'm glad you listened and walked.
I loved all the quotes so much, especially the one about describing the agony of a marathon to someone who's never run it. When I tell people how I almost gave up at mile 22 they're like, "WHAT? You already ran 22 miles, how could you possibly give up! It's only 4 more miles!" How can you explain to those people what those last 5 miles feel like? You just can't. Although you did a pretty good job of describing your agony with those muscle cramps. It was physically painful just reading it! I can only imagine how that must've felt. My calves were cramping up pretty bad in the end but I could still (barely) force them to move for me.
It is honestly a tribute to your grit and iron will that you were able to cross the finish line. I got chocked up when you said that Taber and I helped you finish because we feel the same way about you. Seeing you at the end helped us push on so it was a mutual benefit : ) Also I think it's a pretty sweet and dramatic ending the way your legs completely gave out 100 yards from the finish yet the crowd and your mind of steel were able to help you overcome and get over the line. I bet they were going nuts!! Applause well earned : )
Thanks for sharing so much detail of your experience. I think this entry will be a treasure to look back on as you assess future races and look at what did and didn't work in training and on race day. Your training was phenomenal by the way. Not only were your runs smartly designed to increase speed and endurance but your cross training was amazing too. There's really nothing I would change about your training, it was as close to perfect as it gets. I think your biggest issue was nutrition and hydration and it sounds like you've learned a lot from this race and will be on top of that for next time.
Most of all I just have to say that I'm impressed with your humility and ability to learn from tough experiences. When it comes to running talent, your speed and endurance are in a league that I will never be a part of, and yet you ask for tips from even us humble 9 minute milers : ) You are a good guy Kevin, and I think this post is incredibly inspirational. Even though you didn't reach your goal, you fought hard for the finish, you helped others on the way, and instead of being angry and bitter, you came out counting blessings and looking for lessons to be learned. If anyone is rockstar or a stud, it's YOU!
Hope you enjoyed my novel/comment. Sorry to take up so much space but that's the way I roll : )
Oh my gosh, Kevin! I laughed and cried and laughed and cried at the same time. What a story!
I was totally amazed by your diligent training. You worked your butt off and I think you were totally ready training-wise to achieve your goal! I almost died when you talked about getting out in the single-digit weather. So awful! No doubt you were not really ready to be running in 80 degree, humid weather!
From your mind-body dialogue first thing race morning, I think you now know in retrospect something was awfully wrong. Because aren't you usually PUMPED for a big race? I know I am! I shoot out of bed like it's Christmas morning! And then when you said the cramping started so early, my heart sunk. That had to have been the most terrible feeling. I totally would have ignored it and pushed through it, too, thinking, "I'm SO trained for this, I can do this!"
When you got to the part about the dehydrated guy, oh man, it totally made me cry. Pretty cool you were in so much pain yourself but you were willing to stop and help someone else. I bet other people passed him, too, and just thought, "Man, that guy doesn't look too good," and just kept going. So props to you for thinking beyond yourself and helping others.
I was still teary-eyed and laughing when you said Becca said, "How did you do?!" Oh my gosh! So freakin' emotional... sheesh.
I've never experienced muscle failure or fatigue (because I've never pushed myself to anywhere near the point that you push yourself!) so it was pretty crazy reading about what it's like. I don't think I could have finished, I don't know how you got there. Your last picture 300-400 yards from the finish looks like sheer agony. It's seriously amazing you crossed that finish line at all when the cramping started at mile EIGHT! And then there's the fact that with all that walking, and pain, and stopping to help that poor dehydrated guy, you still finished in about 4 hours! What the?? Sheesh.
Anway, thanks for sharing your story. I think you're right about the dehydration and not enough carbs. I carb load for days before a race and drink so much freaking water that I have to pee like 6 times before the race starts. Totally understandable why you didn't this time, though, with all that traveling and cruising around DC in the cold. I'm sure in your next race you'll probably have to stop off and pee during the race a bajillion times, you'll be so hydrated. :)
Thanks for sharing that story. Someday when you've run Boston a bunch of times and you write your marathon how-to book, you can share this story. It definitely makes for emotional read. :)
Kevin! I may not write a novel but I want you to know that I'm impressed by you all the same. I know how much energy it takes for you just going through a normal day with your crazy girls and job. To train on top of that is amazing. I'm so glad that I can say I'm related to you. I definitely didn't get your fast genes, but you're an inspiration to me to keep training and do my best. Thanks for being awesome!!
Well, it's taken me a while to get through reading this with kids interrupting me all day long, but I'm glad you shared it and I'm glad I read it! I love reading marathon stories. They're always so full of emotion and inspiration. (Same way I feel about birth stories, actually.) :) I can't wait to read about your next one!
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