Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Marathon Experience in Pictures: Compliments of Kayla Smith

Woke up early to get into downtown... but feeling good.
Waiting for the suffering to begin...
Pace Tattoo
The beautiful photographer and her sidekick.
A beautiful morning for a run
Every day I'm shufflin'
Keepin' it safe, keepin' it real!
The multitudes press on...
Oh yes he did...the whole way!
Nice backdrop.
Great scenery
Lucky to be running in the Spring!
So much to look at!
Waiting for Daddy...
Showing support for our runners!
Patient little girl.
Yes... she is picking her nose... and trying to hide it!
Tickle, Tickle!
Keeping herself entertained
Entering the shoot...feeling the pain!
Who says men can't run in skirts?! FREEEDOM!!!
Running for beard lovers everywhere. Every beard makes a difference!
Snuggle rewards for the finishers!
Ouch! They'll be feeling that tomorrow!
Running 26.2 miles = Complete mental breakdown
Stairs are the enemy! At least for a week post race :)


Mr Smith & I said...

Haha - that picture was not beautiful, but thanks for all the cred! I wish you would blog more about your girls and the awesome things they say, haha. I really do enjoy the fb statuses =)PS - we are signing our lease over to someone on Saturday! hiphip!

Beccarigg said...

Kayla's got Skillz yo! Great pics!

Tau said...

wow great pics...and I think I would just sit down the entire following week of a marathon.