March definitely came in like a lion and is going out like a lamb. We had lots to do though, rain or shine, and enjoyed the company of many fun people. Here are some of the things we did this month:
I joined my ward's craft group and had my first experience trying to sew something whilst surrounded by tired, hungry, and crazy children! It wasn't so bad though and Brooklyn was a real champ about it. I have a few more finishing touches to complete on the pillowcase dresses we were making, but when I'm done I'll post some good pictures.
Our ward also threw a giant Chili Cook-Off/Young Women's Service Auction. Because Kevin and I knew that there would be plenty of free chili and loads of fun people, we packed up the girls and went.
Brooklyn didn't waste any time finding her preschool friends so she could play. They spent most of the evening coloring pictures of Kevin with horns and giggling about it. :)
Here we are enjoying the free grub. A genius on the planning committee even thought to add a kids table that was loaded with chicken nuggets and apple sauce! Best idea ever!
This is only the first sampling I brought back to the table! I think I went back 2 more times... but Kevin still had me beat! (And yes. We both gained 3 pounds that night.)
We were even lucky enough to convince Lucy, Kevin's good friend from work, to come with us. She, of course, spent most of the evening entertaining my girls who absolutely adore her.
Lucy, in turn, brought her boyfriend Jason, who also made a good dent in the chili and took several turns carting Lily around the cultural hall. It was a really fun night and we were glad to spend it in such great company.
Another thing we did this month was start our garden! For the last 5 years Kevin and I have tried (unsuccessfully) to grow our own food. Because we could REALLY use the extra help this year, we started with a prayer and some crossed fingers and Brooklyn has total faith that we'll be able to keep our plants alive this year. She loved helping us plant the tiny seeds and asks to check them out every day... just in case!
While we were busy planting, Lily was busy practicing her walking skills. She's been toying with the whole thing since she was 11 months, but with Brooklyn frequently tackling her mid-stride, she kind of chickened out until now.
Anyway, we are now anxiously awaiting the sprouting of our vegetable garden so we can move the plants outdoors where Kevin is building a Square Foot Garden on our porch. We don't really know if we are allowed to do that, but figured it is better to ask for forgiveness then permission in this case! :) Wish us luck!
Oh yeah! And just in case you wanted a little more B & L in this post, I'm leaving you with some random videos I took of the girls yesterday. Enjoy!
A Conversation with Lily
Lily's New Trick
(For anyone who doesn't know, piko is the Hawaiian word for bellybutton.)
A Conversation with Brooklyn
(Don't worry, I made her wash her hands after this!)
Oh my gosh she is a hoot. Some of her facial expressions totally remind me of you.... How fun! Can't wait to hang out with ehr this summer :)
Nice...we can always use a lil more B&L. Kids have the best answers when they get interveiwed.
Now you have some good ammunition to embarrass Brooklyn when she gets older, muwahaha. Itching Bum videos are way better then bathtub pics.
She is so adorable, Pink Unicorns, i love it.
So cute Naomi. I agree with Tau we can always use some more B&L. I can't believe how fast Lily is growing up too, I can't imagine Micah walking yet.
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