Day 5: (Monday, September 28th)
We left Chicago and headed for Ann Arbor, Michigan to drop Brooklyn off with Brian and Natalie. After a quick lunch provided by Natalie, we drove to Cleveland, Ohio to pick up our bikes and then we were off to Kirtland, Ohio! By the time we got to Kirtland it was late, so we drove around the sites to familiarize ourselves for the tours we would be taking in the morning!
Day 6: (Tuesday, September 29th)
Kirtland tours included the Newel K. Whitney Store that held the first Bishop’s Storehouse as well as the Revelation Room and The School of the Prophets where the Word of Wisdom was inspired!
Here we are outside the store. Not bad for taking it ourselves!
The Revelation Room
School of the Prophets: This is where all the men threw their tobacco and pipes after they were told they shouldn’t use them anymore!
We also got to see the Ashery, the only one in North America, and the Saw Mill where the lumber for the temple was cut, as well as the Whitney Home and the Kirtland Temple!
At the Ashery…where ash was strained…I think.
The power source for the Saw Mill!
This crib was in the Whitney home. The thing inside is a baby bottle made out of pewter and lead…hmmm. Perhaps not the best idea they ever had!
The Beautiful Kirtland Temple is owned and operated by the Community of Christ Church now. They were very gracious and let us tour through the building. It was an awesome experience!
Before taking off to Niagara Falls, New York, we decided to make one last stop at the John Johnson Farm where Joseph and Emma lived for a year and where section 76 of the Doctrine and Covenants was received!
Elisa Johnson had pretty eccentric taste and painted all the wood in her house like this!
She also had the wood floor in this room painted like a checker board! This also happens to be the room where Joseph and Emma were sleeping with their adopted twins the night Joseph was tarred and feathered and had his front tooth chipped.
And then we were off to Niagara…but first…We ate at an Amish restaurant!
Stop sign for an Amish horse and carriage! He He!
Niagara Falls at 11:00pm right before we finally went to bed!
Day 7: (Wednesday, September 30th)
Niagara Falls BABY! Definitely worth the stop! We walked around the park, stared at the water, and took the Maid of the Mist Tour!!!
Behold! The power of WATER!!!
Jennie standing on the observation deck. It was really cold.
Me taking in another view, from another side of the park.
Double hoodies on the observation deck…attempting to stay warm!
Dressed and ready to get on the Maid of the Mist Boat! And yes, we actually did get that wet!
After Niagara we headed over to Palmyra, New York to do some more church history tours. Tons more pictures for that so we will have to be continued again…
Wow! You're so lucky! I've always wanted to do a church history tour. Someday I hope. Can't believe that used lead bottles. Crazy! I loved the Amish stop sign. So funny!
Omi I am totally impressed with your info recall. You rock and I miss you!!
Holy crap!! Can we say JEALOUS?! When you said you were going to Vermont I thought you were just gonna ride bikes through the leaves. I didn't know you were going to do a church history tour!! Something I've ALWAYS wanted to do! NOT FAIR! and then you saw NIAGARA?!! DUDE!! lucky lucky lucky! Can't wait to see pics of New York, yet another place I've never been but would like to go. Geez! ; )
Dude, that baby bottle is the bomb. Babies and lead go together like peas and carrots.
Dude, That is amazing. You are the luckiest person ever
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