November 2013 came and went in a FLASH! Kevin had been in Alaska on business the whole week before and returned home on November 1st, just on time to see Brooklyn receive the Scholarship Award at her school!
The award was given to one student in each class for exceptional academic work. When the principal asked each student why they thought they were given the award, many of them were confused. But when Brooklyn gave her answer, the entire gym audibly sighed in adoration. It was pretty cute!
After the awards assembly, Kevin packed up the girls and went to sleep over at the Booth's house with Rob and his little girls while Tiffany and I spent the weekend celebrating our early birthdays at my house! We treated ourselves to shopping, sushi, and manicures, ate lots of goodies, watched Legally Blonde, and relaxed like champs! It. Was. AWESOME!
The following week consisted of teaching Sunday School, lots of hula, a trebuchet launching, dinners with the Sweetwood and Aiono families, Parent Teacher Conference, a temple trip, laser tag, my friend Tiffany's "
Breakfast at Tiffany's" inspired 30th birthday party, a jewelry party, and then my BIRTHDAY!
And for my birthday I was rewarded for living another year with an extra special visit from Kevin's parents! And they, of course, brought with them lots of fun, rainbows, sunshine, and happiness for everyone!
Some of that sunshine included cookie making, flashlight games, visiting a TANK museum, puzzle time with grandma, and reading time with grandpa!
For me, it meant dinner at the most amazing Italian restaurant with the BEST butternut squash ravioli I have EVER eaten, a new pair of boots and a sweet magnetic Nativity from mom and dad, and 2 more nativities from Jennie and Kevin, plus a set of beautiful wooden deer that I've had me eyes on for the last few years from Kevin. YAY ME!
Unfortunately, I only managed to get a picture of the deer and nothing else... I'm cool like that these days! |
After Dell and Colleen left, we filled the void with lots of Dr. appointments, meetings, craft groups, baptisms, and more teaching... and of course... Kevin took a little time to drive to Indiana for the BYU vs Notre Dame game!
He even got to do a little sight seeing while he was there!
While at the game, Kevin actually ran into the Fjeldsted family who he grew up with, so on the Sunday after the game, our family drove back to Indiana to hang out at their hotel for a little while! Kevin's friend Isaac has 3 little girls close in age with ours and our girls had a blast hanging out with them!
After our adventures in Indiana were through, we packed our bags and headed over to Geneva to spend Thanksgiving with my sister Becca and her crew! We had so much fun stuffing our faces, playing games, running races, and watching movies while we were there!
As it turns out, spending time with more family was the perfect way to wind down the month. I even got a free makeover out of it! :)
The End